Wow. One like. There should be a million.

People need to turn off their idiot Dancing with the Half Naked Stars, Keeping up with the Kartrashians, and the latest Chicago Bears vs. the Roman Coliseum Gladiators panem et circenses and get a clue. Your life might depend on it. In fact, it DOES.

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LOL give it time, we just published :)

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I was only the 12th person to comment on the EPA site!! Not looking good for us this round....

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Well said and SO true.

Unfortunately I am afraid by the time the uninformed and willfully ignorant figure it out, destruction will be at their front door.

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I have friends and family killed and worse by the vaccine, still clueless. Maybe if the Devil makes a meal in the kitchen from a childs head? Frontdoor was last year.

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Same issues with my family and friends. Mind boggling.

Your correct, front door was last year.

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i just went to the comment section- there were 12 comments, all except one, in support of the pesticide. i also couldn't see how to leave a comment. i could read them, sort them, etc. i've left comments before but couldn't figure this one out.

this is one of those things that they'll approve and then 10 or so years from now, will say Oops, we didn't think of that. happens every time

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I would not be surprised if EPA only publishes positive comments. Which is not legal (it's censorship). Here's how to comment: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OPP-2021-0271, through www.regulations.gov. Follow the on-line instructions for submitting comments. Once submitted, comments cannot be edited or removed from Regulations.gov.

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I can't find this particular regulation. I want to comment.

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Thanks kindly.

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I just sent my comment anonymously. I only wrote the obvious. Not sure it helps much but will share. This is Nuts!!

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One more important comment. I learned from a well informed healthcare worker recently that:

1. ALL covid vaccines were ordered by the government to be thrown out 2 months ago.

2. A NEW Covid vaccine is being delivered throughout October.

3. This NEW vaccine will be required and can only be had at government health centers and government approved corporate partners in crime (cvs, Walgreens etc). Private doctor offices will not be allowed to dispense (can’t control all private doctors...)

4. There is a brand new government computer program for administering and tracking the new Covid vax and other vax that will be required.

5. The vax will no longer be free, private insurance will cover.

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Hm, I also cannot find any feature to leave a comment, including following instructions in the FAQ.

I believe this is the document in question of the 9 which show as related to the docket number.


Friends of the Earth's comment mentions a 15 day comment window being insufficient for proper feedback and it looks like it is now past 15 days from the publication date of 2nd Oct. Perhaps it is closed for comment already?

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Thanks. I was able to submit a comment this way.

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thanks! this one worked

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Yes, thank you. This one worked. They’re insane.

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I have written to the EPA to find out why they have no reactivated public comments.

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Why are they bothering to kill bugs when they want us to eat them?! Of all the businesses we've seen come and go, we never see the chemical companies having financial problems or burn down, only food plants. How ironic, huh?

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haha! yes! then again, their positions are always inconsistent and hypocritical. if they're so concerned about over population, they should be happy when wars, disasters and pandemics occur to help them along. they cry about the environment but didn't seem to have a problem with masks littering the planet. they always want to "save the children" but have no problem with "green" technologies that rely on rare earth metals that are mined by other people's children. they worry about cow farts- but not human farts- adding warming gases to the atmosphere. they say that animals weren't put here to be food for humans but forget that vegetables weren't either.

no human population has ever in history been voluntarily vegan. we need meat, not crickets! i see darkness

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Yes it was very confusing how and where to post a comment. It took me a few minutes.

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Do you have info. on who developed this and if gov. employees will receive royalties from this product or future products in the pipeline? Who owns the patents? Thanks

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This is horrifying!

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To submit comments to the EPA, you can follow these steps:

Visit https://www.regulations.gov

Search for the appropriate docket ID number or EPA docket number. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2021-0271-0009)

Click the "Comment Now" button or follow the online instructions for submitting comments.

Submit your comments.

Please note that once submitted, comments cannot be edited or removed from the EPA's public docket. Unfortunately, I no longer see the "Comment Now" button. So, we have to email them. Please call the EPA and tell them to re-instate public comments for docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2021-0271-0009 (734)-214-4300

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What is the corporation that is developing this pesticide? We need to pressure that corporation directly.

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Greenlight Biosciences, Inc.


"Ledprona, the active ingredient in GreenLight’s CalanthaTM product"

The company is all connected with cancer vaccines, COVID, etc. according to their website.

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Done 😊 If I can figure it out, anyone can.

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Made my comment in no uncertain terms.. graciously I hope .. to release Ledprova would be grossly irresponsible without a peer reviewed double blind study on plant and animal[ minimum of 100 plant and animal test subjects] for at least one year.. to release this Frankenstein formulation without a study could prove to be criminal

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I"m old enough, gasp!, to have been living during the start-up of major research and production of pesticides. As a hick in farm country, I routinely used synthetic organic pesticides for application to a fairly wide array of crop plants. Was I careful enough in using them? No. Was I blissfully ignorant? Yes. Nasty chlorinated hydrocarbons like chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, parathion......really nasty stuff.

However, over the last 15 years or so, a pretty large amount of new pesticides have shown greatly reduced acute and chronic toxicities. Sure, Monsanto pulled a fast one with Round-Up, this coming from an extremely rapacious company. Glyphosate the active ingredient, was not nearly as toxic as other additives, not that it was not dangerous. Roundup is a gamish of active ingredient plus several additives which are much more toxic. It takes MANY years to test new pesticides adequately and I fear not all new chemicals are tested even nearly long enough.How many people know that fresh strawberries from California are among the most chemical laden fruits of all? Unless they are washed very thoroughly using a small, soft brush, there is concern that ingestion of bad stuff is occurring.

This RNA business has gotten insane and this so-called modern society is only too happy to short shrift choice of usage and hygiene of harvested crops. Yet, no farm chemical has caused the amount of deaths as these mRNA shots have. We'll be OK as long as we are still alive. That is the question we must answer. I find it boggling that the development company has become rather nonchalant and slapdash in wanting to get the stuff onto the markets without adequate testing. Have we learned anything from our Covid debacle or not?

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I think quite a few of us have learned Not to Comply now!

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Thank you. Great Work. Commenting Now. Learn to GROW as much of your own FOOD, or buy and support local farms, as much as you can.

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I do not seem to be able to leave a comment against fast tracking of Ledprona...


Using the sequence above in comments I was able to leave a comment against the fast tracking of Ledprona, and why.

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Wanna get their attention , tell Greta and AOC it causes the planet to heat up exponentially… 🤨

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Boiling Oceans! All 5!!

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Comment submitted at the link you provided https://www.regulations.gov/document/EPA-HQ-OPP-2021-0271-0003

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This falls into the idea of regulatory processes in agriculture/farming, medical diagnostics and medical technology and manufacturing. The ideas for this type of agreement is troubling for me. Different countries are given the opportunity to work collectively on new ideas in technology with fewer concerns. It looks like the regulatory process will have more responsibility given to industry and not government. The document focuses on advanced technology and the ushering in of the fourth industrial revolution.

I can already see huge problems with safety.

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I did the first time this was posted.

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Submitted comment per Dr. Jack's prior post with link : )

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This sounds really illegal

How can a chemical be approved for use on produce grown for human consumption when the safety testing hasn't been completed - looks like they're trying to rush this crap through before anyone finds out how toxic & deadly it is, not just to whoever is unlucky enough to eat this frankenfood but to the surrounding environment - sound familiar??

When I was little we would sometimes find a Caterpillar or a little bug on the veg or lettuce when preparing to cook or eat it & my mother always said, 'see it's good to eat because the creatures are on it so it hasn't been sprayed to death with chemicals'.

Whilst I understand that farmers need to reduce loss of harvest to bugs etc, you cannot eliminate nature completely & when you take from nature you owe a little back - it's only fair.

Better to find out what likes to eat those Beetles than smother everything in RNA

Everyday theres more horrible news 😪

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As my dad used to say if we found a bug in our food, " that's ok they don't eat that much"!

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ah, bless your Dad 🥰

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