Jim, can glyphosate be linked to motor neuron disease?

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Grains are poisonous to humans and dogs and most other mammals. Read “Wheat Belly Revised and Expanded”. All the science study references are included in the book. You can test your urine for Glyphosate. If you use RoundUp definitely test your level. I tested negative years ago.

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Eat the animals that eat that crap, not the crap. Jmo.

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This is a very weak study, conducted entirely in mice or in neurons extracted in mice, and does not show any development of neurologic disease associated with glyphosate, even at the extremely high exposure rates of these poor mice (a human equivalent in a typical 70 kg man would involve having them _drink_ 35,000 mg of glyphosate).

A recently published systematic review of numerous studies does not support the mouse study's conclusions.

"Taken together, these studies do not demonstrate a consistent impact of glyphosate on the structure or function of the mammalian nervous system."


Glyphosate usage can be problematic (in terms of overuse making development of weed resistance occur more quickly), but it's far less hazardous to humans than the herbicides which preceded it.

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